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Catalog number: ZV001

Vrij van Verlangen

Gele Lambo

“If there is something Gele Lambo wants to tell us, it will be the easing message saying everything will be okay. Synths and comforting melodies merge at Vrij van Verlangen where Thomas Bosveld reaches his hand to the listener providing shelter in his safe musical cocoon. 

During the infamous times of lockdown Thomas challenged himself to not just write a song a day, but to finish a song a day. It turned out in a enormous palet of tracks, of which Koen Bouman made a selection which became Vrij van Verlangen. It became a work where melancholy and solace find their way. Where you can feel the end of summer is reaching, but the end of bliss is not. Like riding your bike home after a long night of dancing. 

Each track has its own feeling, but they are all made with the Prophet Rev2 Synth. REM Slaap and Stilte are the two instrumental tracks of the EP, which form a pleasant layer between the three gloomy 80s pop tracks Dromen, Zegeningen and the closing track Zomer.” 

Loulou Kuster on Vrij van Verlangen 

“At the end of last summer I decided to call it quits for No Hay Banda. Once, it started as my graduation project and radioshow at Operator Radio Rotterdam, but most of all as a tape label for mixtapes and EPs. With releases composed by J.T. Boogaard & R.M. van der Meulen, Ipanema and a special one by Dim Garden I look back at that an amazing time. But as covid passed by the red line somewhat faded away, the course had shifted and I started questioning myself what I really wanted. Most of the time I spend on the label was for programming DJs at Vessel 11. I love that ship and I am very grateful for the opportunities they gave me, but for me it felt time had come to make place for new local talent. I wanted to start over again and focus on the creative part at the beginning of making a record. So that’s what we did. 

Pretty much at the same time Thomas Bosveld started putting out demos under his Gele Lambo moniker on SoundCloud. Thomas is not only a producer but he also plays / had played in several bands like Future Husband, Faradays, Jo Marches and Echo Movis. But during covid there, of course, were no gigs to play. So he wanted to warm up his creative muscles and started making those demos. One every day, at least, that was the original plan. It soon became a demo every other day and after a total of 68 tracks he let go of the proces. Life had caught up again. 

Having checked all of the demo songs I send him a message proposing an EP out of five songs I had selected. There were a lot of good demos among the total project, but these five felt like a bigger picture. They were connected in a way the others were not. Thomas agreed and together we put it all to the next level. Whilst listening and in the lyrics motions flow by; resilience and consolation mix with the cheer joy of occasional nihilism. The whole EP feels like a new dawn. Just like I accounted for with the label.” 

– Koen Bouman on starting 6.15

ReleasedJuly 5, 2022 
MusicThomas Bosveld 
MasterRaynor de Groot 
WordsLoulou Kuster
CurationKoen Bouman
ArtworkKoen Bouman & Thomas Bosveld
Gear used
  • Ableton Live
  • Dave Smith Prophet Rev2
  • Sennheiser SM57
  • Spitfire LABS
  • XLN Audio RC-20
  • Crystallizer
  • Little Alterboy
  • Echoboy
  • Little Radiator
  • Tremolator
  • Pro-L 2
  • ValhallaRoom
  • ValhallaVintageVerb
  • Arturia Rev PLATE-140
  • Arturia Mini V
  • Arturia Prophet V
  • Waves H-Delay
  • Waves J-37
  • Waves RBass
  • Waves Waves Tune
  • Melodyne
  • Cableguys Halftime
  • TAL Chorus
  • UAD 1176
  • UAD Oxford Inflator
  • Slate Fresh Air